PHP File Exchange Platform (PHP-FEXP)

A simple way of exchanging large files via the web

Cédric Dufour

What is PHP-FEXP ?

The PHP File Exchange Platform is a PHP class which allows to implement simple (large) files exchange via web browsers or download managers, as a complement to (size-limited) e-mail messages.

Sharing a new file requires the following actions:

  • uploader visits and authenticates on the file exchange server
  • uploader uploads a file, configure its sharing options and specify recipients
  • recipients receive download URL via e-mail
  • recipients recover the file using web browser or download manager
  • file is automatically deleted after expiration delay (or first successfull download if configured to do so)
  • PHP File Exchange Plarform sole (unusual/streneous) requirement is that authentication MUST be performed by the server hosting the service.

    This requirements allows to:

  • benefit from the many, reliable and hard-proven authentication backends offered by common HTTP servers (such as Apache's many mod_auth modules)
  • protect the PHP code itself (and potential vulnerabilities) from anonymous hacking attempts
  • For public usage, the PHP Generic Registration Module (PHP-GEREMO) stands as an ideal companion, allowing secure and foolproof registration of users.
